End political bollocks, bullshit and lies.

Our western ‘liberal’ democracies and, more importantly our so-called civilised societies, are in deep, deep shit and the U.K. in particular sits on the brink of disaster and disintegration. The UK increasingly looks likely to become the first world’s first “Mad Max” state; and the threat lies in the here and now and the next few years rather than in distant decades to come. We need to end political bollocks, bullshit and lies, and we need to do it now.

Neither change nor reform are any longer anywhere near enough. Revolution (actual, fundamental change involving the overthrow of both the current parliamentary system and the broader, bloated, taxpayer funded public services sector that is neither service oriented nor in the majority of the public’s interest) is required now.

If we continue to allow career politicians to represent us on a “trust me” basis in government and law making, we will continue to get government and legislation that ignores the needs, the fears and the real aspirations of the majority, in favour of those of the political /public services / academic classes.

If you disagree, and believe our political system is open, democratic and operates in the interests of the majority population then it’s probably best that you leave now; take a pill or three and get back to YouTube and some classic ‘Barney and Friends’. There’s very little that can be done to help the terminally stupid.

For those frustrated to the point of despair who desperately want change and a return to a functioning, hope-filled state; but are unsure of how to bring about required change please hang in here for just a few minutes. We’ll explain what we’re about, what we plan to do and what we need from you, without you having to navigate around a grand tour of Wiki and the web.

Identity, Attitude, Conduct.

History shows that societies fall apart far more often than they survive and endure.

Identity, Attitude and Conduct (IAC) make up the glue that brings together and binds together society. How we see ourselves, how we think and how we act. If we are fundamentally aligned in terms of the values and principles we hold dear and live by then we will have a cohesive, healthy, and hopeful society. Unfortunately today we entirely the opposite.

The common glue components should underpin agreed core values and principles. Values and  principles are essential to the definition of an open, honest and fair formal constitution, which is required as a workable alternative to the whistle in the wind manifestos that lean more on latest opinion polls than heart felt  properly constructed conviction. A detailed and proscriptive constitution, together with the implementation of an elected executive government based upon commercial / leadership experience and competence rather than political association, will enable good government focused upon service to, rather than control of, the people and rid us all of the costly and almost entirely pointless theatrical nonsense of parliament.


Poprimus aims to promote genuine open, transparent and people-first based democracy in a straight-froward, bullshit free manner.




The left has long since abondoned it’s primary (and wholly appropriate) purpose of advancing the cause of the working man and the redistribution of wealth in favour of the demonisation of western systems and civilisations that have brought greater life opportunities, peace and prosperity to more of the world than has ever been known. From an increasingly all-powerful axis of media, academia and the public sector (including the judiciary), the unelected ‘enlightened’ left are increasingly encroaching upon the hard-won freedoms of the majority. Social, economic and political restrictions tighten remorselessly and any and all opposing views are swept swiftly aside and dismissed as being the result of extremists and fascists. “Progressive” liberal politicians and organisations have never been so intolerant and totalitarian: today real fascists do indeed call themselves anti-fascists and they control much of the world agenda.

Right of centre politics was once understood primarily as a socio-economic model based upon individual responsibility, accountability and industry combined with a belief in free enterprise and free-market principles, competition foremost among them. Despite warning from no less an authority than Adam Smith himself in Wealth of Nations that “All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.”, capitalism has suffered reputationally (despite it’s overwhelming success in alleviating poverty when given the chance).  Inadequate regulation and control of the inevitable excesses of dominant, often global, enterprises on the part of governments has played a large part; as has the endemic greed and personal ambition of the career politicians and public sector bureaucrats therein.


People First Democratic Revolution.

What then for the so-called politically homeless?

Try this from Poprimus. Major items are summarised below.

1.  A detailed formal constitution drawn up on the basis of values, principles and (macro) economic preferences outlined, and subsequently approved, by the electorate alone. The agreed constitution to form the overriding authority for all subsequent legislation / government actions for a fixed period of 25 years, after which it would be subject to updated electoral review. The approved constitution should constitute the highest level of legal authority within the nation, framing and where necessary overriding all decision-making by any and all elected bodies, public services, judiciary, as well as private sector companies. The constitution should also override any and all treaties, and /or prior/ existing international legal obligations with any non-British national entity.

2. An executive government directly elected by the people rather than political parties or Members of Parliament. Candidates for Executive Government must satisfy strict selection evaluation criteria based upon relevant qualifications, experience and ability (including management and development) of chosen specialist areas. Political experience not deemed to be either relevant or sufficient. Executive government to operate within the legal framework and constraints of the approved constitution, for a fixed period of seven years. Effective, efficient management and pro-active action where and when required to be the measures of success, rather than talk, posturing and pointless political theatre.

3. Legislation to be minimised (and where required reversed in terms of existing legislation) to items deemed to be of critical national importance. Any and all legislation to be fully inclusive of the involvement  and formal approval of the electorate. Elected representatives to be replaced by elected delegates whose primary focus will be furthering the interests of their constituents in government / legal / public service matters as well as providing ‘checks and balances’ control of national and regional government on behalf of the electorate. Sitting Parliaments to be abolished and replaced with quarterly legislative sessions to consider and approve annual fiscal budgets and agreed critical legislation in three separate quarterly sessions.

4. Constituency elected Members of Parliament, so-called elected representatives, to be abolished and replaced with local elected delegates. MP’s are not only  unrepresentative of the populations they purport to serve, many (Tory Prime Minister Rishi Sunak being a striking example) are appointed candidates not by local members but by Party Head Office, often with no connection or ties to the people living in the constituency. Locally elected members must be local, having lived and worked in the constituency continuously for a minimum of 10 years at the time of election. Elected delegates are to work (and vote) primarily on behalf of their consituents and to stand by the wishes of their local constituents when conflict arises between local wishes and those of a particular political party. Delegates should serve one term only of 5 years  (subject to an electoral review after 2.5 years); political representation of a constituency should be viewed as a ‘sabbatical calling’ and not as a career.